

Gain a strong foundation in the traditional areas 的化学, then add strength 三种选择之一.

养家庭 > 化学 > 化学

In pursuing a Bachelor of Science in 化学, students receive a strong foundation in analytical, physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry before selecting one of three options leading to the degree: biochemistry and natural products, environmental 化学,或天然和合成聚合物化学.

Each option offers an advanced course of studies beyond the basic courses of the classical 本科化学课程. 

Our courses demonstrate the interconnectedness of environmental concerns.

Through laboratory courses and research, students use their foundational knowledge to explore specialized areas 的化学 and gain familiarity with the actual practice 的化学.

In the final two years of the program, students must select one of three Option Areas:

  • 生物化学与天然产物 
    The 生物化学与天然产物 option stresses a chemical approach to problems 在生命和健康科学领域.
  • 环境化学
    Learn strategies to stress applications of fundamental chemical principles to describe 并预测化学物质在环境中的行为.
  • 天然和合成高分子化学 
    Gain an excellent background both for direct entry into industrial chemistry and graduate study in areas such as chemistry, biotechnology, or polymer science.




The 生物化学与天然产物 option stresses a chemical approach to problems 在生命和健康科学领域. 学生们研究前沿课题,如 合成生物学,基因组学和代谢工程.

Undergraduates in the 生物化学与天然产物 option take advanced courses 在以下方面:

  • 生物化学I(氨基酸、蛋白质和核酸)
  • Biochemistry II (Metabolic cycles, electron transfer, photosynthesis)
  • 生物化学实验室

学生 can select a range of specialty courses taught by our faculty: Drugs from the Wild, Plant Biochemistry, Natural Products 化学, and Advanced Instrumental 分析. Professional electives in physiology, chemical ecology, toxic health hazards, medicinal chemistry, genetics, and molecular biology strengthen connections in the 生命与健康科学.

The senior year culminates in a research project designed together with one of the 化学教师. This gives students the opportunity to apply biochemical principles 以及解决科学中开放性问题的技巧.

养's chemistry programs aim to prepare the scientists 关于未来. 生物化学 and Natural Products option provides particularly good training for students aiming for professional degrees in chemistry and biomedical fields or careers in natural products chemistry, drug discovery, biotechnology, forensics, and biomedical sciences.

The 环境化学 option stresses applications of fundamental chemical principles 来预测环境中的化学行为. 学生学习和调查 environmental topics on scales ranging from local to global, covering topics ranging from toxic algal blooms, air and water quality, persistent organic pollutants, and 全球气候变化.

Undergraduates in the 环境化学 option take advanced courses in the 以下领域:

  • 水化学
  • 大气化学
  • 环境化学分析方法

刚毕业的Kaela Natwora在伊利湖放置了一个探测器

学生 take advantage of a range of specialty courses taught by our faculty, including Environmental Sampling, Oceanography, and Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences. 学生 also have the opportunity to explore a wide variety related discipline, such as ecology, 工程、环境政策和可持续性. 

The senior year culminates in a research project designed together with one of the 化学教师. 这让学生有机会应用原则和 techniques 的化学 to open problems in environmental chemistry. 

养's 化学 degree aims to prepare students for both immediate employment and 继续教育. The 环境化学 option offers particularly good training careers in forensics, analytical chemistry, and environmental science.

学生 in the option area of 天然和合成高分子化学 study and develop new technologies and materials for addressing challenges associated with 气候变化, 环境污染和可持续性.

Undergraduates in the 天然和合成高分子化学 option take advanced 以下范畴的课程:

  • 聚合物的合成及其机理   
  • 高分子技术实验室
  • 聚合物性能与技术

学生 can take advantage of a wide variety of courses in mathematics, statistics, 生物技术、工程和生物化学. 

The senior year culminates in a research project designed together with one of the 化学教师. 这让学生有机会应用原则和 techniques of polymer chemistry to open problems in polymer chemistry. 

养's chemistry courses and programs of study aim to prepare the scientists of the 未来. The 天然和合成高分子化学 option provides particularly good training for students aiming for careers in industrial chemistry and graduate study 在生物技术或材料科学等领域. 这包括寻找解决方案 to environmental problems such as long-lasting plastics, water contamination, and 气候变化. 



Open to juniors who have completed at least 60 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 3.5.

养 offers pre-professional advising in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and 法律. Get more information on each of these pathways and an online information request form.

化学 students have social events, and travel to schools and museums to show off 化学对年轻人的魔力.


The Department of 化学 has a long history of providing many need and merit-based scholarships each year, made possible by very generous contributions made to both 养和部门.


通过出国留学提高你的教育和全球意识. 实现选修课, general education, or research requirements in an international setting.

Faculty supervising a student using a centrifuge for biochemical samples.


养's chemistry courses and programs of study are aimed at preparing the scientists 关于未来. All options are excellent grounding for professional work at the B.S. 水平或为高级研究生学习.