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Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

在获得学位之前的实习、合作、实习或专业经历 完成与F-1学生的主修课程直接相关且不可或缺的课程 of study as indicated in on the Form I-20; CPT cannot be authorized for work in a minor or previous major.

课程实践培训授权可用于全职工作(20小时以上) during official school breaks (e.g., Summer break and Winter break) and part-time 如果适当的网赌平台批准,在秋季或春季学期工作(20小时或更少) is obtained. CPT旨在提供直接相关和完整的工作经验 to a student’s degree. It is not intended for general, ongoing work authorization. Traditional volunteer work (e.g. at a soup-kitchen) does not require CPT. However any internship, even if it is unpaid, requires CPT authorization.

  • 学生必须持有有效的f -1签证,并且至少是全日制学生 参加CPT前一学年(秋季和春季学期).
  • 学生在申请之前必须有一份印有公司抬头的书面工作邀请 CPT. 工作邀约必须注明职位、确切的受雇日期、工作时间、工作地点和工作地点 number of hours of work per week, and the company’s address.
  • 学生必须在课程期间继续保持全日制学生身份 CPT experience during the academic year.
  • 学生必须按照他们的学术定义,继续取得正常的学位进展 系和研究生院,同时参加CPT. This may require course-work during the CPT period. Students should verify that participation in CPT 不会影响他们完成学位所需课程的能力 在指定的课程结束日期之前,可能不会在随后的学期中教授 on their I-20. CPT不应延迟学位完成超过课程结束日期 listed on the Form I-20.
  • Departmental approval is required for CPT. Individual departments may have their own 参加CPT的学术要求或限制. Examples include 最低平均成绩,必修课程和/或部门的学分 curriculum.

因为网赌平台的学术课程很少需要超过一两个学期的工作 大多数学生只有一到两个学期的资格 of CPT. 在选择性实践培训较多的情况下,CPT将不被授权 适合于完成学位后的工作.

  • Part-Time在学年(秋季和春季学期),学生可能主要参与 在适当的授权下从事兼职工作(每周不超过20小时).
  • Full-Time:在学校正式放假期间(寒暑假),学生可以主要 在适当的授权下从事全职工作(每周20小时以上).

  • CPT is authorized by semester. Therefore, students must submit a new CPT request, including all necessary documents and proof of registration of at least 1 credit 每学期的专业/实习经验,包括暑期课程.
  • 参加CPT可以在学期的第一天或之后开始. CPT must end before the last day of classes for the current semester.
  • 累计使用12个月或以上全日制CPT课程的学生将失去资格 在目前的学位水平上参加选择性实习训练.

申请CPT授权,请至少在两周内采取以下行动 in advance of your requested CPT start date:

  1. Submit the following to the Graduate School (227 Bray Hall):
    • A CPT Recommendation Letter 专业教授/学术顾问出具的支持CPT学术价值的证明 Work Experience: The letter must be printed on department letterhead 并包括以下与您的学术课程和建议相关的信息 CPT work experience: your full name; program of study; expected date of degree completion/graduation; title of your position with employer; employer’s name; employer’s exact street address (this should be the physical work location); exact beginning and ending dates of the work experience; number of hours per week you will be engaged in the work experience; 课程编号,获得的学分(最低要求为一学分), 指导上述课程的教员,以及你将注册的学期 the course (must be the same semester of CPT experience).
    • Enrollment Certification from the Registrar’s Office: Must indicate full-time enrollment for every semester you were in F-1 status; if it does not, seek guidance from the Graduate School.
  2. Upon submission, the Associate Provost will review your request; if it is approved, 副教务长将在你的专业教授的CPT推荐信的底部背书 Letter.
  3. 注册CPT推荐信中指定的课程. (e.g., EFB 898: Professional Experience)
  4. 安排一个时间向国际办公室提交以下文件 Education:
    • CPT Recommendation Letter
    • CPT Request Form
    • Enrollment Certification from the Registrar’s Office
    • Proof of registration in the CPT course for at least 1 credit
    • Job Offer Letter
    • Copies of: I-20, Visa, Passport, I-94, Health Insurance
  5. 如果提交的所有文件都可以接受,新的I-20授权CPT(在页上) 2) will be issued. 在你收到之前,你没有资格开始工作 新的I-20,至少是文件上显示的开始日期.
  6. 如果你的CPT工作需要你搬迁,你必须提交你的新地址 to 附上以下资料:10天内以履行美国移民 maintenance of status reporting requirement


网赌平台办公室保留一周时间框架的权利 for reviewing and processing of any submitted requests. Students should anticipate 世界动物卫生组织将采取整整一周的时间,并应尽早提交文件,以便 avoid potential complications. If a student requests the extension of an I-20, OPT, 或其他有时间限制的签证状态,所有申请材料和所需文件 必须提交网赌平台办公室审核和批准 不迟于SEVIS截止日期前30天提交申请 materials.