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SUNY 网赌平台
Ruth D. Yanai

网赌平台 Website - with links to my CV, publications, etc.


For Prospective Students

About my students, Current and Former


FOR 694 Writing for Scientific Publication
FOR 692 Capstone in Natural Resources Management


Multiple Limitation in Northern Hardwood Ecosystems (MELNHE)
Quantifying Uncertainty in Ecosystem Studies (QUEST)

Current Students and Collaborators

  • Data Catalog - Spreadsheets and their metadata
  • Document Catalog - Notes on field and lab procedures (including Sussman Foundation proposals, sample documentation, and working drafts)
  • Models - programs and supporting documentation
  • Image Catalog and Other Presentation (not related to MELNHE or QUEST) - Pictures from the field, to be used in interpreting field data, or in assembling presentations.