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Financial Aid and Scholarships
Grant and Scholarship Programs

Merit Scholarships and Grants

网赌平台本科优秀奖学金颁发给新入学的一年级学生 transfer students based on academic performance. All accepted students are automatically 考虑这些奖项,所以不需要奖学金申请.

SUNY 网赌平台 Presidential and National Scholarships

成绩优秀的高中毕业生可以获得优秀奖学金 通过网赌平台总统奖学金计划或国家奖学金计划. In 为了被考虑为总统或国家奖学金,学生必须提交 the following no later than February 1:

  • SUNY 网赌平台 Admissions Application

  • 显示成绩、班级排名的中学成绩单,如果有的话,SAT成绩单 or ACT scores.

总统奖学金每年可为纽约州居民提供高达3,000美元的奖学金. 国家奖学金每年可为州外居民提供高达8000美元的奖学金. 奖学金选择和具体金额的确定将根据 学生的学习成绩,推荐信,活动和要求 intended major. Awards are not guaranteed.

National Merit, National Achievement, and National Hispanic Scholarships

SUNY 网赌平台将自动颁发总统奖学金和优秀奖学金 进入半决赛或决赛的学生将获得最高8,000美元的奖金 in any of these three national scholarship competitions. Semifinalist or finalist 应在提交入学的记录上注明状态.

网赌平台 Transfer Scholarships

Many transfer students qualify for Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships at 网赌平台. These are valued at $1,500 per year. Proof of PTK honor society 会员资格必须连同网赌平台的入会申请一并提交.

具有优秀学历的转学申请者将被考虑申请网赌平台 每年最高3000美元的总统奖学金给纽约州居民或 网赌平台国家奖学金每年为州外居民提供高达8,000美元的奖学金.

Haudenosaunee Scholar Awards

这项久负盛名的四年奖学金每年为两名豪德诺桑尼学生提供5000美元 students with strong potential as environmental leaders. Students are selected based 他们在高中或大学的学习成绩、领导潜力和推荐信 from teachers and community members. Scholarship eligibility also requires student 成为历史悠久的豪德诺松尼国家之一的公民,并获准全日制学习 undergraduate study at SUNY-网赌平台. Please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office (电话315-470-6600)了解更多奖学金信息.

  • To be eligible a student must:
    • be an admitted first-year or transfer student;
    • 成为历史悠久的豪德诺索尼族(莫霍克族,奥奈达族, Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, or Tuscarora);
    • 至少连续居住在豪德诺索尼国家领土上 在SUNY-网赌平台入学前的12个月;
    • be in pursuit of his or her first bachelor's degree.
  • Terms of the Award:
  • Eligible Haudenosaunee Territories:
    • Akwesasne Mohawk
    • Kanatsiohareke Mohawk
    • Ganienke Mohawk
    • Kahnawake Mohawk
    • Kanesatake Mohawk
    • Tyendinaga Mohawk
    • Oil Spring Seneca
    • Tuscarora
    • Oneida
    • Oneida of the Thames (Ontario)
    • Onondaga
    • Allegany Seneca
    • Cattaraugus Seneca
    • Niagara Falls Seneca
    • Tonowanda Seneca
    • Six Nations Reserve (Canada)

对豪德诺索尼奖学金计划感兴趣的学生应填写一份 application 并将其发送给博彩平台网赌平台本科招生办公室进行审查. All information 是保密的,仅用于评估是否有资格获得豪德诺桑尼奖学金 Award Program.

网赌平台 Legacy Scholarships

网赌平台向符合以下条件的新生和转学生颁发遗产奖学金 网赌平台校友的子女或孙辈(包括网赌平台游侠学校校友). 符合条件的学生获得遗产奖学金,每学期250美元,最多10个 semesters of full-time undergraduate study at 网赌平台. Scholarships are renewed each semester, 取决于学生保持累积平均绩点2.5 or higher. 申请人必须通过填写校友表来表明他们的校友关系 在学院的入学申请中发现的问题. Up to five Legacy Scholarship winners are selected each year. 奖学金选择不需要经济需求, 但申请人的学习成绩和课外活动将被考虑在内 consideration.

Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation Scholarships

Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation, Inc .奖学金. are awarded to undergraduate 美国公民,主修纸科学或纸工程的学生 or permanent residents. 所有新生都会被自动考虑 for an award based on the SPPF Scholarship Rules. Awards for transfer and continuing students are based on GPA. Awards are renewed each semester subject to scholarship committee approval. 学生应联系财政援助和奖学金办公室 或Syracuse Pulp and Paper Foundation了解更多信息.


研究生的学费奖学金是作为研究生或研究项目的一部分颁发的 由教学和研究生研究办公室提供的项目助理奖学金. Recipients 必须由注册主任办公室证明为全日制学生才能获得 a tuition scholarship. 在大多数情况下,有助学金的研究生也会被考虑 如果每学期注册至少9个学分,则为全日制.

Need-Based Scholarships and Grants

网赌平台 College Aid Grant

学院每年向完成学业的一年级学生颁发这些基于需求的助学金 the FAFSA by February 1st. 大学援助助学金可以通过保持至少2个续期.5 Grade 平均分数和FAFSA在2月1日优先截止日期前完成 year.

网赌平台 Diversity Scholarships

纽约州居民、美国原住民、黑人/非西班牙裔、 西班牙裔,或阿拉斯加本地人有资格获得由基金组成的奖学金 both the College and SUNY. Interested students should complete the FAFSA 并联系财政援助和奖学金办公室,证明自己是 potential recipients.

State University Supplemental Tuition Assistance (SUSTA)

学院每年通过南科大项目向有需要的学生发放助学金. Interested students should complete a FAFSA and TAP Application.

网赌平台 College Foundation Scholarships

所有申请经济援助的学生都将接受审查,以获得奖学金 学院基金会是基于学业成绩和经济需要.