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Accessibility at 网赌平台
Social Media Guides

General Accessibility Guidelines

在社交媒体平台上有不同的可访问性选项. University 帐户必须确保最大程度地访问社交帖子. The following guidelines should be used when posting.

Authoring Content

Write in plain language. Remember that viewers won't necessarily know what acronyms 代表,或有科学背景,理解技术术语或 jargon. 如果你在说话,考虑一下你会如何表达你的帖子可能会有所帮助 to a 14 year old high school student. Some viewers might be!

Alternative Text

大多数社交媒体平台允许你将文字“替换”为图片来描述内容 图像,图形和图表的人使用辅助技术,如屏幕 readers. 

在社交媒体上发布帖子时,考虑一下没有附件的帖子会是什么样子 image. 用户接收到的信息是否与图像接收到的信息相同 visible?  

纯粹的装饰性图片,不会给帖子增加信息,也不需要 be described in alt tags. However, such images should be provided with null (or empty) alt text (alt=""),以便辅助技术(如屏幕阅读器)可以忽略它们. 

Video captioning

为了便于访问,发布到社交媒体上的视频应该总是包含字幕. 这些可以是“封闭标题”(可以打开和关闭),或“开放标题”。 (text embedded in the frames of the video that can't be removed).

Youtube, Facebook, Zoom和越来越多的其他平台现在提供自动 captioning, which is performed by computer AI. Automatically generated captions range in accuracy from about 70% to roughly 90%. These captions are a good start, but for 完全符合要求,它们应该由人工编辑,以提高准确性.

没有口语内容的视频应该包含“音频描述”,这是一种口语 为那些看不到视频的人描述视频视觉元素的轨道. If 这是不可能的,那么在帖子中描述视频内容的文本可以 be helpful. 例如:“视频描述:网赌平台纽科姆校区的航拍镜头, 包括亨廷顿野生森林、阿迪朗达克解说中心和阿迪朗达克公园 Ecological Center."

现场或实时字幕不能由计算机提供,只能执行 by a human. Typically, live captioning services are provided by a paid service.

Animated GIFs

gif动画需要暂停(Facebook, Twitter和越来越多的其他网站) social media platforms now provide this as built–in functionality). They should not 闪光或闪烁的速度快到足以成为癫痫的潜在诱因(少于3 flashes/flickers per second).

此外,要小心包含条纹或格子的图案 than 5 light/dark pairs going in any direction.

不应该依赖gif动画来传达无法获得的信息 otherwise in the post. Consider what the post would look like without the GIF. Can viewers still understand everything you want them to?


图形表情符号通常带有嵌入式描述,所以文本到语音屏幕 readers will describe them. When using multiple emojis, leave spaces between them and use them judiciously.

当使用基于文本的表情符号时,例如:D,文本转语音屏幕阅读器无法使用 understand them. They will describe the symbols individually (such as 'semi-colon D').

Both of these are best used sparingly. When using emojis or emoticons, consider how 如果观看者正在使用屏幕阅读器或正在使用屏幕阅读器,他们就会感知到您的内容 otherwise unable to see the image.


对于包含多个单词的标签,每个单词都应该大写(这是 sometimes known as ‘CamelCase’). Capitalizing each word lets text-to-speech screen readers understand how to read the hashtag. For example: instead of #allinthistogether, 屏幕阅读器会尝试将其处理为单个单词,使用# allinthistotogether. 大写字母允许屏幕阅读器识别一个单词的结尾和 beginning of the next. This is also easier on people who have low vision or visual processing issues.

Decorative Text

在社交媒体上使用装饰性文字和符号有时很流行. For example: ©olor instead of color.

在此之前,请记住,每个符号都是由计算机处理的 its own meaning. A computer will not read © as 'C' the way a human eye can. A viewer 使用文本转语音屏幕阅读器将难以理解这些内容.

Accessibility by Platform


当你添加图片时,Twitter提供图片描述或“alt text”功能 in a post. You should always make use of this.

好的图片描述是简洁的(Twitter提供字符限制)和启用的 people to understand what's happening in an image. You can add a description to each image in a Tweet.  You cannot add image description to a video. 

Twitter does not provide automatic captioning for videos. If you want to add a captioned video to Twitter, it must be captioned before uploading.



Facebook adds machine-generated alt text automatically. However, this alt text may 不能总是说你想说的话,而且它不能识别包含在其中的文本 images. 建议在Facebook上发布的图片中添加自己的描述性文字.

Facebook会自动为你在Facebook上上传的视频生成封闭字幕. However, it may not always be fully accurate. It's recommended to view captions for Facebook videos after they're generated, and edit to correct mistakes.



YouTube会在你上传视频后自动生成字幕,但是 machine–generated captions typically are not fully accurate. It's recommended that 你可以在Youtube视频生成后查看字幕,并进行编辑更正 mistakes.

如果视频包含视觉信息,这是理解视频内容所必需的 是沟通,那么你必须在视频配乐中加入可听描述. 如果您不想在视频中添加声音描述,那么还有一个替代解决方案 是创建另一个版本的视频,包括音频描述和交叉链接 the two videos. Both videos should be posted at the same time.

Youtube还允许你在视频中添加文本,这是一个有用的工具 对于那些不能或不想看视频获取信息的人.

这不仅对可访问性很重要,而且了解这一点也很有用 50% of Youtube videos are now watched with sound off.


Instagram automatically generates alt text for images. However, this alt text may be inaccurate or incomplete. It's recommended that you add your own alt text instead.

请记住,只有当有人使用屏幕时,这个描述才会被读取 reader to access Instagram.



当你添加图片时,LinkedIn提供图片描述或“alt text”功能 in a post. You should always make use of this.

好的图片描述是简洁的(LinkedIn有字符限制) people to understand what's happening in an image.