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Policies and 程序
Workplace Violence Policy

博彩平台环境科学与林业学院(养) 工作场所暴力政策适用于养员工、学生和实施暴力行为的人员 与养有业务往来或访问养,即使这些人没有直接关联 与养.  The policy is in accordance with the New York State Workplace Violence 预防行动.  The Workplace Violence Prevention Program is available for review in the Office of Human 资源, 216 Bray, during College office hours.


养致力于提供一个安全的工作、学习和社交环境 is free from violence.   养 will promptly respond to threats, 暴力行为, and acts of aggression that occur in the workplace. 

养 prohibits any act or threat of violence made in the workplace.  任何人不得 在环境保护基金的设施内进行暴力行为或作出暗示或直接的暴力威胁 or in connection with College business.  养 requires that any such threat or act 报告.

未经法律授权,任何人不得携带、拥有或使用任何危险武器 on College property or in College buildings or facilities.

任何违反学校政策的行为都将受到最严厉的制裁 appropriate for the circumstance. 


工作场所暴力 公职人员是否发生过身体攻击或攻击性行为 在受雇期间履行任何与工作有关的职责,包括但不限于 不限于:

(i)企图或威胁,不论是口头上或身体上,对 一个员工;

(ii) Any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;

(三)未经他人同意,故意和不正当地与他人进行身体接触 that entails some injury;

(iv) Stalking an employee with the intent of causing fear of material harm to the physical safety and health of such employee when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.




  • 员工有责任向主管报告所有职场暴力事件 或立即致电x6666向大学警察查询“工作场所暴力”的定义 please refer to page one 这个政策). 员工 are encouraged to report the information to the Office of Human 资源 as well.


  • 单位主管、部门主任和主管负责实施 这一政策在他们的单位,必须报告他们从员工那里收到的任何信息 as described above to 大学警察 at x6666 immediately. Supervisors are encouraged to report the information to the Office of Human 资源 as well.


  • 学生必须立即拨打x6666向大学警察报告所有工作场所暴力事件. 如果事件涉及其他养学生,大学警察也会报告 incident to the Dean of Student 生活 and Experiential Learning.


大学警察将迅速回应并调查所有威胁或 暴力行为.  The Office of Human 资源 will assist 大学警察, as appropriate, in responding to workplace violence.


Knowingly making a false report under this policy is prohibited. 


对善意行事的人采取的报复性行动 工作场所暴力,谁曾目睹过工作场所暴力,或者谁曾 参与报告、调查或应对工作场所暴力行为是违法的 这个政策.  Retaliatory action includes but is not limited to, discharge, suspension, 对任何雇员的降职、惩罚或歧视,或其他不利的雇用 action taken against an employee in the terms and conditions of employment.  那些 被发现对报复行为负责的人将受到纪律处分,包括 终止.


学院将采取行动,与人事政策、惯例和集体一致 谈判协议,直至并包括移交执法当局 和/或可能被解雇,对学院的雇员 who violate this policy.

违反本政策和/或学生行为准则的学生将受到处罚 由学院的司法系统决定的行动,并可提交法律 enforcement authorities. 

访问ors, vendors, etc. who violate this policy may be subject to removal from premises and may be referred to law enforcement authorities.


Includes examples of 行为 that may be considered workplace violence.




Includes some indicators of workplace violence.

附录A – Examples of Prohibited Conduct in the Workplace

除了《博彩平台》中列出的项目外,以下是 的行为,虽然不包括,提供行为的例子是禁止的 in the workplace toward any employee, student, 或者校园访客:

  1. The use of force with the intent to cause harm, e.g. physical attacks, any unwanted 接触,如抓,推,推,打,打,打架, 或投掷物品;
  2. 以恐吓、骚扰、威胁、欺凌、胁迫为目的的行为或威胁 or cause fear of harm whether directly or indirectly;
  3. 直接或间接通过口头或书面语言、手势或 symbols that communicate a direct or indirect threat of physical or mental harm.
  4. 威胁伤害某人或他/她的家人、朋友、同事或他们的财产.
  5. Intentionally damaging or destroying or threatening to damage or destroy property 由学院拥有、经营或控制,或由其他雇员、学生、 或者校园访客.
  6. 发出或发送威胁电话、信件或信息(电子、印刷)的 or other method) to a 人.
  7. The willful, malicious, and repeated following of another 人 which results in that 人 reasonably fearing for his/her safety (also known as “stalking”).
  8. 有攻击性的或敌对的行为,造成对他人伤害的合理恐惧 人.
  9. 暗示的:提出建议或暗示采取伤害人身或财产的行为 是“适当的”.
  10. Causing physical injury to a 人.
  11. 非法持有或不当使用枪支、武器或任何其他危险物品 devices on the campus. While certain employees of the College may be required as a 他们的工作任务条件,拥有枪支,武器,或危险装置 在校园里,或被允许携带法律授权,这些员工是 根据校园运作使用枪支、武器和危险装置 procedures and all applicable state and federal laws.

附录B – Precautions to Avoid Workplace Violence

下面的列表是一些预防措施,可以采取避免工作场所 暴力:

  1. 在回答电话询问时,不要透露同事或同事的信息 students’ schedules, home telephone numbers, or other 人al information.
  2. 在发生可疑行为时,要求任何进入的陌生人出示证件 your office or area to do repair or other service work. If necessary, verify the work request with the Physical Plant at ext. 6588.
  3. 千万不要把钱、信用卡、旅行证件或其他贵重物品放在行李箱里 unlocked desk, cabinet, etc.
  4. If something is stolen, report it immediately to 大学警察 at x6666. 

附录C – Possible Indicators of Workplace Violence

The following list is a list of some indicators of workplace violence¹:

  1. Direct or veiled threats of harm.
  2. 恐吓、好战、骚扰、欺凌或其他不适当和攻击性的 行为.
  3. Numerous conflicts with supervisors and other employees.
  4. Bringing a weapon to the workplace, brandishing a weapon in the workplace, making inappropriate references to guns, or fascination with weapons.
  5. 陈述表明对工作场所暴力事件很感兴趣,陈述表明 赞成使用暴力来解决问题,或表明身份的声明 with perpetrators of workplace homicides.
  6. 表示绝望的陈述(对家庭、经济和其他个人问题) to the point of contemplating suicide.
  7. 药物和酒精滥用.
  8. Extreme changes in 行为.

¹由联邦调查局国家暴力犯罪分析中心(Profiling)认定 and Behavior Assessment Unit in Dealing with Workplace Violence:  A Guide for Agency Planners 美国人事管理办公室,劳动力关系,二月 1998